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Sue Summers Shop

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I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.




I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.
French Greetings and Basics 2 Writing Dialogues

French Greetings and Basics 2 Writing Dialogues

Students practice asking and responding to basic questions as they write dialogues containing French greetings, introductions, name, age, origin, and farewells. There are 2 separate dialogues. Both contain greetings and farewells. One also contains introductions and feelings, and the other also contains age and origin. This is a great back to school activity! The download contains 3 pages: - Both dialogue templates on 1 page - Enlarged dialogue template with greetings, farewells, introductions and feelings - Enlarged dialogue template with greetings, farewells, age, and feelings The enlarged versions can be used to project and write dialogues on the smart board, or can be used as 2 separate assignments. 3 pages
Spanish Clothing Travel Suitcase Sketch and Label and Vocabulary

Spanish Clothing Travel Suitcase Sketch and Label and Vocabulary

TES Best Seller of mine! Spanish Clothing Travel Suitcase Sketch and Label and Vocabulary - La Ropa - Students sketch and color a minimum of 10 clothing items and accessories that they will take with them on a trip to Spain. They then write the corresponding Spanish words under the sketched items. Students enjoy practicing their speaking skills as they proudly present their creations to their classmates. Included in the download: 1. Suitcase with instructions for the activity. 2. Suitcase without instructions to allow modified use. 3. Suitcase without instructions with "buen viaje". 4. Clothing vocabulary list with 20 words copied 2/page for student handouts.
Spanish Culture Postcards from Spain Translations - City, Weather and Clothing

Spanish Culture Postcards from Spain Translations - City, Weather and Clothing

Spanish Culture Postcards from Spain Translations - City, Weather and Clothing - This set includes 4 postcards written by Maria about 4 of Spain's great, historic cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Toledo, and Sevilla. Students learn about Spanish culture while they translate them from Spanish to English. They'll discover the treasures of these cities, such as the Prado, El Retiro Park, La Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, Parque de Maria Luisa, Spain's great artists such as Velazquez, Picasso, El Greco, Gaudi, Miro, Goya, Madrid's Plaza Mayor, and much more. The postcards include descriptions about clothing, weather, scenery, leisure activities, food, and more. Your students will enjoy following Maria on her travels through Spain and will be pleased with their abilities to work through and comprehend the readings. Use the postcards as a culmination of a city / travel unit or for back to school review for upper level students. Each postcard includes the picture side with images of the city and the writing side. The postcards can be used as follows: 1. Homework assignment 2. In class partner or small group activity - students love to compete to be the first to finish the translations! 3. Project on the Smart Board and translate as a large group activity 4. Substitute lesson plan Stay tuned as more postcards from Spanish cities will be added soon!
Spanish Art Writing Activity - Salvador Dali Paintings

Spanish Art Writing Activity - Salvador Dali Paintings

This writing activity can be done in Spanish or English, depending on your focus and the level of the students. It's a great way to introduce students to one of Spain's greatest artists, and to add culture to your class. Students first describe and write their interpretations of 6 different Dali paintings. They then research each to obtain more information about each. Included: - 2 pages with the 6 paintings for students to write their descriptions and interpretations - 2 pages with the 6 paintings for students to write their researched information - 3 pages, each containing 2 enlarged paintings with QR codes for researching each painting - 1 page with links and QR codes for researching each painting, copied 2 per page for student handouts, if desired Use this as a homework assignment, a partner activity, or project it and have students write descriptions and interpretations on the Smart Board.
Spanish Speaking Countries and Nationalities with Verbs Ser and Vivir

Spanish Speaking Countries and Nationalities with Verbs Ser and Vivir

This activity contains 10 fill in the blank with conjugations of the verbs ser or vivir plus 10 sentence completions with the nationality that corresponds to the country listed in the previous sentence. Students must also supply the masculine and feminine nationalities for 10 countries listed. The answer key is included. 2 pages
Spanish Verbs Saber and Conocer 15 Fill in the Blank and Translations

Spanish Verbs Saber and Conocer 15 Fill in the Blank and Translations

Spanish Verbs Saber and Conocer Fill in the Blank and Translations - Students choose between saber and conocer to fill in the blank for 15 sentences and then write the English translation under each sentence. Included: 1. 15 fill in the blank sentences 2. Conjugations of saber and conocer 3. Word bank to assist students with sentence translations 4. Answer key. 2 pages
French City Places Board Game and Vocabulary

French City Places Board Game and Vocabulary

This is a 32 square board game containing images of 10 different common city places. Students shake the die, move that number of spaces, say the word in French, and see who reaches the end first. Students unable to say the word must return to the beginning. The words included are: la bibliothèque la maison le cinéma la ville l’école le musée la boulangerie la piscine le restaurant le supermarché Included in the 3 page download: 1. Game board 2. Bilingual French and English vocabulary list for presentation, practice, and student handouts 3. Instructions
Spanish Adjectives With Ser 10 Sentences and 12 Vocabulary Translations

Spanish Adjectives With Ser 10 Sentences and 12 Vocabulary Translations

Students practice gender and number agreement with descriptive adjectives used for people and different forms of the verb ser. Sentences contain 2 - 3 adjectives each. Examples of nouns used in the sentences are mom, boyfriend, girls, and teachers. There are also 12 English adjectives to translate to Spanish. The answer key is included. 2 pages
Little Red Riding Hood Spanish Booklets - Libritos de Caperucita Roja

Little Red Riding Hood Spanish Booklets - Libritos de Caperucita Roja

2 Little Red Riding Hood Spanish Booklets - Libritos de Caperucita Roja - Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet that contains text and illustrations of vocabulary associated with the Little Red Riding Hood such as lenador, bosque, galletas, lobo, casa de abuela, etc. They then create their own version using the text only template. Each booklet contains 8 pages: the title page with 7 additional pages. This item also includes suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the vocabulary words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text.
Spanish Carnival Booklets - Libritos El Carnaval

Spanish Carnival Booklets - Libritos El Carnaval

2 Spanish Carnival Booklets - Libritos El Carnaval - Students first cut, assemble and read the booklet that contains text and illustrations of things associated with Carnival / Carnaval. Each of the 7 pages in the booklet includes the word hay with a word that corresponds to the illustration on that page. Words included are globos, disfraces, mascaras, bailes, fiestas, congas y bandas and desfiles. Students then create their own version using the text only template. They'll have fun learning about this holiday and a little bit about hispanic culture. Each booklet contains 8 pages: the title page with 7 additional pages containing common Carnival words. This item also includes suggestions for using the booklets and an assembly instruction page. The illustration version can be projected in class to present, review and practice pronunciation of the Carnival words. The text only version can be projected onto the Smart Board and students can draw pictures on the Smart Board that correspond to the text.
Spanish Clothing, Demonstratives and Cuanto Cuesta/n - La Ropa

Spanish Clothing, Demonstratives and Cuanto Cuesta/n - La Ropa

Students practice Spanish clothing vocabulary, demonstrative adjectives and cuanto cuesta/n with this 15 English to Spanish sentence translation assignment. Sample translation - "How much do these gloves cost?" Ten of the translations are questions with cuanto cuesta and 5 are sentences stating how much clothing items cost. There is a vocabulary box containing the words expensive, cheap, rip-off, only, cost/s, bargain and dollars. The answer key is included.
Spanish Happy Birthday Song - 3 Verses - Feliz Cumpleanos

Spanish Happy Birthday Song - 3 Verses - Feliz Cumpleanos

Spanish Happy Birthday Song - 3 Verses - Feliz Cumpleanos - The verses include: Feliz cumpleanos a ti, Cuantos anos tienes tu, and Como se llama tu novio. Both Spanish and English are provided, and there is also a list of numbers 1 - 20 that students can use to insert in the sentence Tengo ___ años which is also included. The song is also copied 2 per page for use as student handouts.
Spanish Future Tense Irregular Verb Signs & Mnemonic

Spanish Future Tense Irregular Verb Signs & Mnemonic

Help your students remember the important future tense irregular verbs and their stems with these colorful classroom signs. Just print in color and hang in a visible location! The signs included are: 1. Title sign 2. Sign with an easy to remember mnemonic sentence at top and 12 common irregular infinitives that all Spanish students must learn. 3. Sign with the 12 common irregulars verb stems The signs can also be projected to present and review the future tense irregular verbs.
Spanish Food Groupings - 24 Words with 6 Categories

Spanish Food Groupings - 24 Words with 6 Categories

Spanish Food Groupings - 24 Words with 6 Categories - Students write the English translation next to each Spanish word and then write each word in one of the categories. The categories are fruits, vegetables, meat/fish/protein, grains, meals and beverages. The words to classify are common foods, plus breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. There are also 10 clip art images for students to identify. The answer key is included.
Spanish Tener Que + Infinitive 12 Translations Worksheet

Spanish Tener Que + Infinitive 12 Translations Worksheet

Spanish Tener Que + Infinitive 12 Translations Worksheet - Students translate 12 English to Spanish tener que + infinitive sentences such as "The boys have to walk to school every day." Sample verbs used are caminar, escribir, cocinar, limpiar, esperar, hacer, and bailar. The answer key is included.